Real US/UK phone number

              Procedure to follow for use our service:

1. Contact us via email, WhatsApp or Telegram, indicating us the city and country for which a real telephone number is required and the means of payment that will be used.

2. Once we have confirmed the availability of the service requested, you must make the payment of only $ 5 Americans (USD) through the processor of your choice, such as: PAYPAL, AMAZON GC, NETELLER, SKRILL, PAYEER or even the equivalent cost of service with your PREFERRED CRYPTOCURRENCY (BTC, ETH, LTC, DOGE, SMARTCASH, DASH, ETC, NANO, AMONG OTHERS), we will indicate you the exact amount in cryptocurrency that should be transferred in a lapse does not mayor at 15 min., due to the high volatility that the price of cryptocurrencies.

3. All commissions per transaction, are paid by the client.

4. After verifying your payment, you will be immediately sent the assigned telephone number, which will be necessary on the website you wish to verify within a period of no more than 10 minutes. Remember to place the IP of the city that you previously requested, to avoid inconveniences.

5. Finally, the assigned code will enter it on your website, culminating with a successful verification process.

6. Remember that we work with the most recognized mobile phone companies in the US. UU & the United Kingdom (Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint and Three UK), to offer the service that you deserve. "Avoid being Banned, think with professionals".